Shopify vs. Shopify Plus: Making the Right Choice

Shopify vs. Shopify Plus: Making the Right Choice

Launching your online store into new frontiers is essential as your business grows with time. You can find the game-changing element you have been looking for while choosing between Shopify Plus and Shopify. The well-known e-commerce brand Shopify can turn your online store into a money-making machine with its powerful features and intuitive UI. However, when is it suitable to upgrade to Shopify Plus? Come along as we analyze the main distinctions, advantages, and possible disadvantages between Shopify and Shopify Plus so that you can decide whether Shopify or Shopify Plus works for your business. Whether you are an experienced e-commerce expert or a novice entrepreneur, we will provide you with the information you need to make the right choice for your online business. Prepare to unleash your store's full potential; the battle on Shopify vs. Shopify Plus is about to begin.

Should You Use Shopify or Shopify Plus for your ecommerce Business


Shopify is the ultimate e-commerce powerhouse, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers in the world of online retail. This platform is the key to success if you have been dreaming of opening an e-commerce store or boosting your current one.

You can access an abundance of features with Shopify that make online sales simple. Imagine having a smooth and mobile-friendly storefront that draws clients from all over the internet. Your products are exquisitely presented, complete with high-quality photos and intriguing text that entices the reader to click.

However, that is only the start. Shopify handles all the heavy lifting, handling everything from seamless secure payment processing and shipping options to reliable inventory management that keeps your business operating efficiently. Concerned about personalization? Do not worry, Shopify has an abundance of customizable apps and themes that can help you realize your vision.

Also read, top 9 mistakes to avoid during a Shopify migration


Shopify Features

  • Ideal for beginners and experts alike, Shopify offers an intuitive platform.
  • Ensures your store looks and works perfectly on mobile devices.
  • There are 100+ Free & paid themes that can be tailored to your brand's unique style.
  • Shopify manages server maintenance, security, web hosting, and SSL.
  • Supports PayPal, credit cards, and various payment gateways.
  • Easily track and manage products, variants, and stock levels.
  • Streamlines order processing, refunds, and customer communication.
  • Built-in tools to enhance your store's visibility in search results.
  • Extensive collection of integrations and 10000+ Shopify apps to enhance store functionality.
  • Automated email reminders to recover potentially lost sales
  • Create and manage discount codes and sales initiatives.
  • Expand your reach through social media and online marketplaces.
  • Flexible shipping rates and label printing with major carriers
  • Integrated review features to build trust and credibility.
  • Comprehensive insights into sales data and store performance
  • Translate your store into multiple languages.
  • Manage international transactions and sell in different currencies.
  • PCI-DSS-compliant for secure payment processing.
  • Access around-the-clock customer support via phone, email, or chat.
  • Sync online and offline sales with Shopify's Point of Sale system.
  • Manage drop shipping operations with integrated apps.
  • Offer gift cards to boost sales and customer retention.
  • Encourage customer feedback and establish credibility.
  • Enable customer accounts for a personalized shopping experience.
  • SSL certificates ensure secure data transmission.
  • Link your store to social media platforms for marketing.

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Shopify Features

Shopify Plus

An e-commerce platform is a crucial element that sets you apart from the competition in the fast-paced world of online commerce, where innovation and growth are the currencies of the trade. Shopify Plus helps you grow your online business in ways you never thought possible.

Imagine a platform that advances your company by meeting your needs and anticipating them. Shopify Plus is more than just an upgrade with a plethora of amazing features. It is a tactical advantage that can completely transform your e-commerce experience. Shopify Plus gives you the freedom to follow your dreams and removes the limitations imposed by other platforms. It grows with you, no matter how big your customer base gets or how much traffic you anticipate receiving. It works seamlessly to meet your needs.

Shopify Plus recognises the value of showcasing your brand's distinctiveness. You can customize your online storefront with Shopify Plus to perfectly fit your vision, giving it a unique presence in the online marketplace. It helps you focus on what really matters—growing your business—by streamlining your operations with sophisticated automation features, such as inventory management and personalized marketing campaigns.

It has never been simpler to enter international markets. Shopify Plus facilitates multilingual and multi currency support, making it easier for you to achieve worldwide dominance. It gives you access to professionals who are always ready to help you on your journey, as well as dedicated support. Knowing that contemporary security measures are protecting your company's data and customer information will allow you to rest easy.

Become one of the many successful companies that have used Shopify Plus to grow their brands, like Tesla, Gymshark, and Kylie Cosmetics. More than just a platform, Shopify Plus is your launching pad to success in e-commerce. Fast-forward as we explore Shopify Plus in greater detail and see how it can revolutionize your company and put you on the road to unmatched success. This is where e-commerce's future begins.

You can also check, Shopify Plus pricing: is it value for money or expensive?

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus Features

  • Designed to handle high traffic and sales volume.
  • Handle 10,000 + Checkout Per Minute
  • Customize the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment rates.
  • Enjoy personalized support and guidance from a dedicated Shopify Plus account manager.
  • Create custom scripts to modify the shopping experience and automate tasks.
  • Seamlessly sell across various sales channels, including social media, marketplaces, and in-store.
  • Leverage robust APIs to integrate with third-party apps and systems.
  • Easily manage wholesale and B2B sales with exclusive pricing, catalog customization, and bulk ordering.
  • Streamline order fulfillment with tools like Launchpad and Flow.
  • Effortlessly sell in multiple currencies and languages, and handle international taxes and shipping.
  • Benefit from Level 1 PCI DSS compliance and advanced security features to protect customer data.
  • Create unique and branded experiences with customizable storefronts for different customer segments or regions.
  • Gain access to premium apps and services through the Shopify Plus ecosystem.
  • Enjoy unlimited bandwidth and hosting to support your growing business without worrying about performance.
  • A reliable infrastructure to ensure your online store remains responsive and running.
  • Schedule and automate sales, product launches, and promotional events with ease.
  • Benefit from personalized onboarding and training to get your store up and running smoothly.
  • Access round-the-clock priority support to address any issues or questions promptly.
  • Custom pricing is based on your business's needs and requirements.

Must check this blog- 9 tips to sell your products or services in global market in 2023 with Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus Features

Pricing Options

Shopify is for midsize and small-size businesses, whereas Shopify Plus is for larger, even medium businesses. Another major difference reflects the businesses using each service: pricing. Shopify costs a few hundred dollars a month, while Shopify Plus starts at 2,000 dollars. To acquire a business-specific estimate, contact us. Let's examine each plan's breakdown.

Pricing Options

Pricing on Shopify

  • Shopify Lite: $9/month
  • Basic Shopify: $29/mo
  • Shopify: $79/mo
  • Advanced Shopify: $299/mo

All regular Shopify plans include in-store, online, and non-Shopify payment fees.

Pricing on Shopify

Shopify Plus Cost

Enterprise-level Shopify Plus plans start at $2,000 monthly. Please contact us for A free Shopify Plus demo of 30 minutes or know whether your brand is fit for Shopify Plus or not!

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Shopify Plus Cost

Should I Use Shopify or Shopify Plus?

Deciding an e-commerce platform for doing online business is an important part. Both Shopify and Shopify Plus are the best platforms to do online business with less worries. Nonetheless, Shopify Plus is the advanced and enterprise version of Shopify that comes with other unmatched features. Before migrating to or joining Shopify Plus, you should ask the following questions to yourself. The answers will decide your decision!

  • How big is my company? How quickly do I think it will grow?
  • How much do I want to spend on an e-commerce platform?
  • Can I afford Shopify Plus?
  • Do I need an online store that can be fully customised?
  • Do I have to use certain apps or integrations?
  • Am I going to significantly grow in the near future?
  • How many transactions do I think I will have?
  • Do I need service level agreements (SLAs) and dedicated customer service?
  • Does my business need high performance and uptime?
  • Do I need to meet certain security or compliance standards, such as PCI compliance?
  • How important is managing my content for my online store?

Must check: 9 most important features of Shopify Plus

Should I Use Shopify or Shopify Plus?

When and Why Should You Use Shopify Plus?

Choosing an online marketplace or platform can be challenging based on factors like support, budget, features and contracts. If you are facing any of the listed problems in your online store, you should definitely switch to Shopify Plus for constant growth and limitless business opportunities.

  • You're putting in a lot of effort to boost traffic using various strategies, such as retargeting and lead generation.
  • Using different business tools, you're actively attempting to increase conversions, repeat business and average order value.
  • Your company is expanding, and to keep up, you'll need more features and support.
  • There are times when your on-premise platform crashes due to high volume.
  • As your business grows beyond $500,000 annually, the cost of IT maintenance is going through the roof.
  • You need multiple stores that can display local currencies, languages and taxes to expand internationally.
  • It's getting harder to integrate your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
  • Basic changes to your online store's checkout process and user experience require developers.
  • You're searching for options such as free shipping on items, discounts based on percentages or fixed-amount discounts.
  • Your existing platform is not up to the task of providing the advanced support that your complex needs require.

Parameter Shopify Shopify Plus
Dedicated Account Manager Facility No Yes
Academy No Shopify Plus Academy
Checkout Page Non-Customizable Customizable
Staff Accounts 1 to 15 depending on the Shopify Plan Unlimited Staff Accounts
Integrations 7000+ Shopify Apps (Paid + Free) CRM or ERP System Integration
Transaction Fees
  • Shopify Basic: 2% (All Transactions)
  • Shopify: 1% (All Transactions)
  • Advanced Shopify: 0.5% (All Transactions)
  • AMEX/International: 0.15% + 30 cents
  • Domestic: 0.15% + 30 cents
Promotional Discount
  • Discounts From Dashboard
  • Redeem In-Store Discounts With Integrated POS System
  • Types of Discounts
    • Buy x Get y
    • Fixed Value
    • Shipping Discounts
    • Percentage Discounts
  • Launchpad
  • Automated
    • Product Releases
    • Flash Sales
    • Campaigns
    • Discounts
  • Schedule Omnichannel Campaigns
  • Create and Update Campaign Themes
  • Create Store For Each Region or Country
  • Use Cross-Border Tools For Currency And Language Change Options
  • Multi-Store or Clone-Store (Up to 9 Stores)
  • Support Multiple Currencies and Languages
  • Standard Features (Sufficient for Small to Midsize Businesses)
  • Shopify Organization Admin
  • Shopify Flow
  • Manage and Add User Details
  • Wholesale Channel
  • Top-Level Analytics
  • Script Editor
  • Transporter App
  • Launchpad
  • Bulk Account Inviter
  • Shopify POS Pro

Exclusive Features Of Shopify Plus That Not Available In Shopify

Features Core Shopify (Basic Shopify, Advanced Shopify and Shopify) Shopify Plus
Clone Stores- Multiple-language or currency stores under the same brand
Shopify Audiences- Find high-intent customers at low cost
Shopify Organization Admin- Manage all your stores from one place.
Shopify Flow- Automate rewards, customer loyalty, merchandising, segmentation, and fraud prevention workflows. Available in Shopify Advanced Plan
Shopify Functions- Personalise checkout with shipping, discount, and payment options.
Launchpad- Automate product launches, promotions, and online store updates.
Checkout Extensibility- Customize Shopify Checkout with powerful branding tools and apps.
Shopify Plus B2B- One admin and store for wholesale and DTC.
Tax Automation- Apply the latest tax rules to every order to calculate accurate taxes.
Shopify Plus Bot Protection- Guard your online store from bots during flash sales.
Merchant Success Manager Priority Support- 24/7 top-tier phone, chat, and email support
Dedicated Support- Launch and optimize Hydrogen headless storefronts with technical support.
Shopify POS Pro + $89 USD per month per location 20 locations included or 1,000 locations included with Shopify Payments

Also read, 9 reasons why you should migrate to Shopify

When and Why Should You Use Shopify Plus?

Bottom Line

Shopify is a feature-rich and easy-to-use platform that serves e-commerce businesses of all kinds, from small vendors just getting started to bigger names with many stores. While many of these merchants may eventually need to upgrade their plans to accommodate their growth, moving to Shopify Plus is a very different story.

Despite its price, Shopify Plus is much more than just a premium version of the standard Shopify plan. Instead, online merchants—those who possess the resources and demand more support—are the target market for the product. In summary, if your yearly sales are not in the millions, continue using the standard Shopify account until your ship arrives.

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